Robert Cochrane Kindergarten

Robert Cochrane Kindergarten, a two-unit kindergarten, is located in large, established, and treed grounds. Each room is equipped with its own large playground. The playrooms are bright and inviting. All costs related to maintenance and improvement of the kindergarten’s building and playgrounds are borne by the kindergarten.
Participation in Working Bees or the Gardening Duty Roster allows families to help maintain their playgrounds. The Working Bees promote a sense of community and maintain their large grounds in pristine condition.
Robert Cochrane founded the kindergarten in 1911. It was initially located in a Church Hall. He donated land in 1934 for a dedicated building. In April 1950, the current building was inaugurated. It was designed by Horace Tribe, an architect who is widely recognized locally and internationally as an influential, fine, and progressive design. It has stood up too many preschoolers’ test over the years. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of many parents and volunteers, the building still retains much of its original exterior fabric and interior fittings. This provides a great environment for students today to learn and grow.
The Victorian Heritage Register (H2309) was added to the kindergarten building in February 2013. It is the only kindergarten in operation to have its own listing. This building is an example of post-war kindergarten design.
Robert Cochrane Kindergarten, a non-profit corporation, is managed by a Committee of Management. The Committee is composed of parents who volunteer their services and is responsible for all management decisions related to the operation of the kindergarten.
Robert Cochrane Kindergarten participates in Boroondara Kindergarten’s Central Enrolment Scheme (BKCES). The Council’s Central Enrolment Officer will process the 3 and 4 year-old enrolment requests for participating kindergartens. He also liaises with parents and kindergartens.
Parents should simultaneously apply for places in the 3yo and 4yo kindergartens under the scheme.
You can get the Application Kits at participating kindergartens, Council Offices and Maternal Health Centers in the Boroondara region, or online.
Before you start the 3-year-old kindergarten year, it is important to assess your child’s suitability. A repeat year won’t be granted if your child is too young chronologically. The teacher must approve a second year of 3-year-old kindergarten. Supportive documents may also be required. A child must have at least two areas of developmental difficulty to be eligible for a second year in 4-year-old kindergarten. Recurring funding is not guaranteed for a child who is too young to be considered chronologically. Please contact your teachers if you have questions about whether or not your child is suitable to start kindergarten.
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