Auburn Kindergarten & Child Care Centre

Auburn Kindergarten & Childcare Centre opened its doors in February 1977. It was the 1000th kindergarten to open in Victoria. The facility has been maintained and improved by the parent-run Committee of Management over the years. In 2016, the City of Boroondara renovated the building.
The Centre offers long-term care for children aged 3 to 6 years. The Centre also offers separate, stand-alone sessional kindergarten programs for children aged 3 and 4.
Most parents enroll in more than one program, which allows for flexible hours and programs that suit every family member.
They are a community-based, high-quality, not-for profit Centre that employs caring, experienced, and highly qualified Early Childhood professionals.
Their Centre has been evaluated under the Government’s National Quality Standard. They have maintained an overall rating EXCEEDING. Their last assessment was in November 2018.
Their Centre is truly exceptional. You are invited to visit their Centre and you will be amazed at the results.
Auburn Kindergarten and Child Care Centre are committed to creating a safe environment. They will not tolerate child abuse. The Centre will ensure that all children who attend the Service are safe, healthy, and well-informed. The Centre has safeguards in place to protect children from abuse. It will respond promptly to all concerns and allegations according to the policies and procedures of the organization.
All educators receive training and support to provide timely and effective intervention for young children and adolescents who are at risk of neglect or abuse. All educators will have the necessary qualifications and training to supervise and protect children under their care.
The Centre is committed to listening to and empowering children. It works to promote cultural safety for all children, including Aboriginal children, culturally and/or dialectically diverse children, and children with disabilities.
- Separate indoor/outdoor spaces are available for the kindergarten program and Child Care program.
- Two large, brightly lit rooms create an atmosphere that is positive, inviting, relaxing, and visually pleasing. They make use of a variety of natural and man-made materials.
- There are two large outdoor play areas that include cubby houses, fixed climbing structures with challenging features, large tan bark areas to store movable equipment, swings and large sandpits. A lovely area is available for ball activities. Sensory gardens, water tanks, and other natural materials are some of the sustainable elements.
- There are many opportunities for children and teens to learn about the environment by engaging in hands-on gardening activities, such as the worm farm or a vegetable garden.
- Both yards have water tanks that encourage awareness and use of water.
- As part of the Childcare program, there are weekly incursions.
- As part of the 4-year-old Kindergarten program, intergenerational programs are offered.
- As part of the 4-year-old kindergarten program, regular incursions for Terms 2 & 3 are required.
- High ratio of teacher to child
- Facilities that are remodeled with accessibility for people with disabilities.
- Families have many opportunities to get together such as at welcome parties and multicultural nights.
- There are many opportunities for parental involvement.
- They establish connections with their local community through library visits and frequent outings.
- Conveniently located, near transport.
They strive to create play-based educational programs that are based on children’s interests in a stimulating and challenging environment. They will provide programs that are in accordance with the Early Years Learning Framework. Additionally, they will ensure that their practices meet the National Quality Standard.
They strive to be a centre that is known for its innovative programs and high-quality care. They are always looking for new ideas and ways to improve. They are passionate educators who believe they set the standard for high-quality practice. The structure of a session is crucial in all programs. The structure provides stability, predictability, and an orderly environment that makes children feel safe. They also encourage children to feel empowered when they have the option of making their own decisions.
They partner with families to foster open communication and share information about the child. This creates a welcoming environment that encourages children to thrive.
Their programs capture children’s learning in many ways and share their journey with their families using the StoryPark app.
They believe that children learn continuously and that each child will develop in a different way. Learning does not happen in a linear fashion. They believe all children can learn and are competent learners. This belief is reflected in the programs that their educators design and implement. All educators in all programs work together and in consultation to ensure your child has the best chance to learn and excel.
If you are looking to visit Auburn Kindergarten & Child Care Centre, you can visit Towing Melbourne Wide as well because we are located in the same area. Check below maps to find directions.
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